About Me

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I live in the Pacific NW with my husband,our 85 pound black lab and the newest member of our family our adorable little boy! I love to cook, stick my hands in the dirt and grow veggies and flowers, etc., craft for gift giving, repurpose things from my grandmother, find a cozy corner and curl up with a good book, and most of all hang out with my boys and our furry one.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action

We went to the movies with some friends this weekend.   And the movie we saw left me ..... well confused.   We saw Tinker Tailor Solider Spy.   I'm all for a good spy movie full of Brits - and Colin Firth to boot so why not.  My only concern was that it might be violent.   My only concern should of been that I might not know what in the world was going on.  Some in our party thought this was the worse movie they had ever seen, I will not make that statement.  I enjoyed the acting and to be honest I think they movie would of made more sense had I read the book.   Which I just might try and do.   There were parts in the movie were it felt like things were skipped.  I mean we have all been in movies where we read the book and thought - they left out this - but we can still roll with the movie because we read the book.   This I believe is the situation with this.  Gary Oldham was good - not sure if he should win best actor for the Oscar good but he was good.  And Colin was his usual adorable self.  Not worth the $15 dollars but I would not discourage others from renting this one.   Who knows you might get it.

Also, this weekend we rented Moneyball.  I must preface this by saying:  not a huge Brad Pitt fan, not a huge Jonah Hill fan, not a huge baseball fan.   Why, you might ask, would I rent this movie?   Its based on a true story which I love and everyone said it was a great little story.  I enjoyed it (remember this is shortly after the Tinker Toy fiasco) and I thought it gave some great insight into the world of sports namely baseball.  We paid $1 for it and it was definitely worth that.

As long as we are talking movies I will tell you some I've seen lately that I did enjoy.

The Descendants - yes it is set in Hawaii and yes George is in it in all his glory so really how could I lose?   But honestly it is a great story.   You laugh and you cry a little in this one.   And I of course loved the music as well.

On rental I would recommend:   Super 8 (great kinda close encounter of the third kind meets stand by me) and Mr Poppers Penguins (not anything like the book but a good little film with no violence and penguins!)

Ok that's all I got for now....enjoy!

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