About Me

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I live in the Pacific NW with my husband,our 85 pound black lab and the newest member of our family our adorable little boy! I love to cook, stick my hands in the dirt and grow veggies and flowers, etc., craft for gift giving, repurpose things from my grandmother, find a cozy corner and curl up with a good book, and most of all hang out with my boys and our furry one.

Friday, June 1, 2012

How does your garden grow?

I did it!  I finally got the garden in!  I have to say I had my doubts but was determined to still complete the task.   This is the latest I think I've ever planted but to be honest but also we have had a colder spring so far so I don't really think I've missed much on the timeline.  I can see the edges of it from my kitchen sink and it makes my heart sing that it is out there finished and will soon have veggies for us!   G asked why we couldn't just skip it this year - silly boy.  I do need to remember however to do a better job of prepping for the winter as the beds were a mess!   Also, we need to add more dirt next year.   There really isn't enough in there this year but I was too the point where I didn't so much care about that and I'm sure it will be fine for one year.

So as of last weekend here's how it looks.......
Prepped and ready to go
This is the bed closest to the lanai.   Those are lettuce starts and the rest is filled with rows of spinach, lettuce, and chard.

Tomatoes!   I realize that one is not centered in the bed right but again my level or caring is on that kind of stuff is low this year.  Love my cages although by the end of summer you don't really see there pretty colors.

All three beds - the back bed has cukes and squash
Before the cages and drip system went in

I am so very lucky to have the drip system.   G put it in and takes care of it every spring and fall.   It allows us to not have to worry about watering and to be honest probably water more efficiently.  It also allows us to go away and not worry about things no matter how hot it is which is nice.   We won't be taking any big long trips this summer as I'm saving all my fto for when Jellybean arrives this fall but its still good not to have to worry about it. I also did the front flower boxes and will have to take a pic this weekend and will post it as well.  Now I just need mother nature to cooperate and give me a little warm weather to encourage things to grow..........

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