About Me

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I live in the Pacific NW with my husband,our 85 pound black lab and the newest member of our family our adorable little boy! I love to cook, stick my hands in the dirt and grow veggies and flowers, etc., craft for gift giving, repurpose things from my grandmother, find a cozy corner and curl up with a good book, and most of all hang out with my boys and our furry one.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Vegan eats

No I haven't turned vegan.   Me with no cheese?   Please....

However my dear friend is a vegetarian and I was at an event recently and recieved gift cards to a new restaurant at Bridgeport called Native Foods so I decided to go and take her.   Have to say it was pretty yummy!   And the thing is you don't feel all bleh after you eat healthy like that.   Forgot to snap some pics but I would definelty reccomend the Saigon Rolls!   Yum!   Also, the cupcakes (you know I'm a sucker for a good cupcake) where delish as well.   The frosting was made with rice milk.   The trainer was there and stopped by our table to chat and it sounds like its just a great place to work.   She lives in San Diego but travels around.  Ah to be young and travel (I remember those days). 

Oh and another highlight of the evening.......Santa sighting.   Can I just say that Bridgeport has THE BEST Santa.   Real beard and all.   He was leaving his little house (probably to go check on the reindeer) and I said - "Hi Santa!"  to which he responded "Merry Christmas!"   Can you stand it?!   Made my whole night!

Merry, merry!

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