About Me

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I live in the Pacific NW with my husband,our 85 pound black lab and the newest member of our family our adorable little boy! I love to cook, stick my hands in the dirt and grow veggies and flowers, etc., craft for gift giving, repurpose things from my grandmother, find a cozy corner and curl up with a good book, and most of all hang out with my boys and our furry one.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Just thought you might want to know that I do not think we will be having anymore little mound dirts in our backyard.

G went to the place with the helpful hardware man and invested in a contraption of sorts.  It involved some sort of small gun like thing and empty shot gun shells.   The less I know the better to be honest.   A sweet boy came and buried in the ground early in the week and the mounds still appeared.   So he came back on Sunday and......well G was gone and I had the pickle down for a nap so I was taking a break relaxing on the couch and there was a small weird noise.   Similar to a car backfiring very far away.  It was an odd noise.   G wanted me to go and look in the hole and I told him he was crazy.   He came home Monday and looked and is convinced our critter will not be bothering us again.

Some lesser know mole facts we learned from the boy that buried/installed the contraption:
  • they are very territorial
  • they are loaners (not sure why there are so many of them then........)
  • they don't like it when the break through the surface

In other critter news apparently our exihbits at the local zoo are very realistic.....

Read the article here

And speaking of beavers.......college football official starts tomorrow and our first game is Saturday.   It will be pickle first and hopefully not last game.  Hopefully it won't rain or be too hot.  

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